29 Healing February Journal Prompts For Self-Love
It’s that time of year again when love is in the air. Now is the perfect time to bring your affection back to yourself with these self-love February journal prompts.
These prompts are great if you need some TLC, want to live your best single life, or just want to soak up as much Valentine’s energy as possible.
It’s all about reconnection with your mind, body and soul and loving the skin you are in.
Self-love is something that I struggled with for years until I learnt how to steady my mind through journaling. Eventually journaling became my go-to method for reconnecting with myself and practising self-care.
So get your notepad or bullet journal and let’s get started.
Types of journaling
There are many different ways to journal from simple and practical to creative and visionary.
You can use these journal prompts in any way you want but here is a quick 101 on journaling:
- Expressive writing: freeform writing where you talk about your thoughts and feelings
- Gratitude journaling: writing about the things you are grateful for
- Morning pages: writing 3 pages in your journal first thing in the morning
- Dream Journaling: writing down your dreams and exploring the meaning
- Bullet Journaling: a task list system that is highly flexible. I like to keep mine minimalist without overcomplicating the layouts.
- Art Journaling: using a mix of artistic imagery and writing to explore your feelings
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The benefits of daily journaling
Many studies have linked journaling to improvements in depression and anxiety. When I struggled with my mental health, journaling helped me put my thoughts into words and process my feelings healthily.
Journaling at night also helps you fall asleep faster.
I bet you didn’t know that!
A study showed that participants who journaled about their to-do list fell asleep faster than participants who didn’t. Journaling reduced the intensity of bedtime worry.
Here are some other benefits:
- Boosts self-awareness
- Reduces stress levels
- Engages your creative mind
- Better problem solving
- More resilience
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How does journaling help you practice self-love?
Journaling is an intimate way to connect with yourself and build a strong relationship.
Too many of us avoid ourselves daily by distracting ourselves with YouTube videos, never leaving the house without headphones and doom-scrolling on social media.
We don’t know who we are or what we truly desire.
Journaling helps you question yourself. You can ask yourself deep questions and get an honest answer back. It’s couples therapy between your observer-self and thinking-self.
Self-connection is the ultimate form of self-love.
It’s a safe space that belongs only to you.
You can write letters to your inner child and reparent her.
You can practice gratitude for the things you have right now.
Journaling is one of the best ways to practice self-love.
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29 self-love journal prompts for February
- List three things about yourself you are grateful for today
- Write about a time when you felt truly loved or appreciated
- What small, everyday things bring you joy?
- Name five people who have positively impacted your life and why
- What abilities or talents do you appreciate about yourself?
- Reflect on a challenging experience that taught you an important lesson
- Write a thank-you letter to your body for all the ways it supports you
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Reconnecting with your inner child
- What did you love to do as a child that you haven’t done in a while?
- Write a letter to your younger self. What do they need to hear from you?
- Describe your happiest childhood memory
- What was your favourite toy or game as a child, and why did it mean so much to you?
- What fears or insecurities did you have as a child that you can soothe today?
- If your inner child could design a perfect day, what would it look like?
- What did you dream of becoming when you grew up, and how does that inspire you now?
Related Post: The Ultimate 30 Day Self-Love Challenge (FREE Printable)
Exploring your needs
- Are you getting enough rest, play, and nourishment? How can you improve?
- What do you need from the people around you to feel supported?
- What boundaries could you set to honour your needs better?
- What’s one area of your life where you feel unfulfilled, and what steps can you take to change it?
- When do you feel most at peace, and how can you create more moments like that?
- What is one thing you’ve been avoiding that your soul craves?
- Write down a list of your unmet needs and ways for you to meet them
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More of and less of
- What habits would you like to have more of in your life?
- What would you like to worry less about this year?
- What makes you feel empowered, and how can you do more of that?
- What activities drain your energy, and how can you reduce them?
- Who do you want to spend more time with, and why?
- What do you wish to experience more of in your relationships with others?
- What brings you joy, and how can you make it a bigger part of your daily routine?
- What positive affirmations do you need more of and why?
How should you use these journal prompts?
- Daily: pick one journal prompt every day (and don’t worry about going in order, just choose one that speaks to you!)
- Be intentional: don’t journal on scraps of paper. Use a designated notebook or app. When you’re intentional you are reminding yourself that you matter and your voice deserves to be heard
- Reflect on your answers: don’t post and ghost. Take time every few days to review what you’ve written and reflect on your emotions
- Be honest with yourself: there is no point in lying to yourself. True healing and self-love come from acceptance. Remember, your journal is a safe space.
- Implement any solutions you find: journaling might uncover areas in your life that need improvement. Don’t brush these insights under the carpet. Explore them! Show love to yourself by taking positive action
How else can you practice self-love?
Practising self-love is not a one-and-done thing. It is an ongoing process that continues throughout all areas of your life.
- You practice self-love by showing up for yourself every day
- You practice self-love by having difficult conversations with loved ones
- You practice self-love by being playful and nurturing your inner child
Here are some practical ways to show some love to yourself:
- Meditation: use mindfulness apps such as Headspace or Calm and take 5-15 minutes just for yourself
- Affirmations: choose 1-3 affirmations and repeat them 10 times in a row three times a day. Tap into your emotions and visualise stepping into the shoes of your most empowered self
- Have a guilt-free self-care day: schedule 1 day a week to do something fun and enriching
- Treat yourself to a solo date: stop waiting for a partner! Take yourself out on a romantic date
- Look after your body: your body is a temple and it is your only temple. Treat it with kindness and compassion by strengthening it and increasing its mobility with yoga/pilates
- Eat a healthy diet: cut out junk food and poor eating habits. Your mind will feel clearer when you break the cycle of sugar highs and crashes
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So what February journal prompts are you going to use?
This month is going to be full of love and abundance now that you have these February journal prompts!
A partner isn’t required for you to feel love.
You can love yourself every single day. No excuses!
These journal prompts will encourage you to express gratitude for the things you currently have, reconnect with your inner child and identify your unmet needs so you can make necessary changes.
Life is too short not to love who you are!
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Remember, you are the ONLY person you are going to be with for your whole entire life, so you might as well invest in yourself.
Investing in yourself can be in the form of coaching, courses, reading, journaling, practising self-care and many more things.
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