35 Ridiculously Simple Morning Journal Prompts For Productivity
Starting the day using these morning journal prompts for productivity is the best way to ensure you are in the right mindset for success.
I love journaling and I can’t praise it enough. I literally preach about journaling all the time to my podcast listeners, readers and clients. I am OBSESSED.
As a Mindset and Productivity Coach for perfectionists, I have seen firsthand the benefits of journaling in my client’s lives. It helps them gain self-awareness and develop the ability to think critically and challenge their limiting beliefs.
When I started my healing journey, I made an effort to consistently journal no matter what and it enabled me to see how my perfectionism manifested itself in all areas of my life. It was quite shocking to be honest, but self-awareness is the only way to move forward and change behaviour.
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Why you should use morning journal prompts for productivity.
- Goal setting: journal prompts help you identify the goals you want to prioritise for the day and week
- Values alignment: it gives you a chance to reflect on your values first thing in the morning so you can ensure your actions are in alignment with your values
- Intentions: journal prompts give you the chance to set your focus and determine how you want to feel at the end of the day
- Motivation: you’re able to connect with your true reasons for working towards these goals which boosts your energy and enthusiasm
- Track progress and growth: if you’re consistent, you can track your progress daily, documenting your wins and challenges. You’ll be able to reflect and analyse how you’ve handled difficult things in the past
How do you journal effectively in the morning?
- Daily practice: make journaling part of your daily routine. To start you can try habit stacking where you add morning journaling right after a habit you already do in the morning (e.g. while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil). I recommend you read Atomic Habits to learn how to change your habits in small ways.
- Choose your journal prompts: print out this list or bookmark this page. Pick 1-3 journal prompts the night before bed that resonate with you the most so that you can use all your brain power to answer the prompt in the morning.
- Aim to be consistent: try to journal every day but don’t beat yourself up if you forget. The goal of journaling is to build a healthy compassionate relationship with yourself so try to set realistic goals when it comes to journaling. Don’t try to journal for 1 hour every morning if you KNOW you only have capacity for 5 minutes.
Should I journal right when I wake up?
It depends. Journaling right when you wake up is great because your mind is fresh and undistracted by the rest of the day’s activities. Instead of reaching for your phone in the morning to scroll on social media, you can reach for your paper or digital journal.
However, it’s important to note that we all have different responsibilities in the morning. For example, maybe you’re a parent and you need to focus on getting the kids ready for school.
Either way, I recommend you find a time that works best for you whether it’s right after waking up or later on in the morning when you have time to focus.
Should I journal in bed?
Honestly, do whatever floats your boat. I’d be a hypocrite if I told you the only way to journal is at a distraction-free desk. I journal in my bed, in a chair, on the bus, at a desk and even into my microphone so find what works for you.
If you find yourself falling back into sleep when you’re journaling in your bed… maybe… and this is just a suggestion… maybe you should journal somewhere else.
How do you get over your perfectionism in journaling?
The key to getting over your perfectionism in journaling is to accept that this practice is JUST FOR YOU. No one else ever needs to read your journal, it’s not an English Literature project or an art project, it is just a tool to help you understand yourself.
That’s it.
Don’t overcomplicate things by thinking there is a right way to journal because there isn’t. Understand that journaling is to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas, not to create the perfect piece of writing.
Try to use the journal prompts as guidelines rather than a set of clear rules. Let them inspire you to reflect on your life and play around with the wording of these prompts. You can use them all the time, some of the time or none of the time.
It’s up to you!
Journal prompts for goal-setting
- What are the top 3 goals I would like to achieve today?
- What is one thing I can do today to move closer to my long-term goals?
- How can I break down my biggest task into smaller chunks so that I don’t feel overwhelmed?
- What is my main focus for the day?
Journal prompts for time management
- How can I manage my time better today?
- Is there anything that I can delegate?
- How can I structure my day so that I get more done?
Journal prompts for mindful productivity
- How can I incorporate mindfulness into my schedule today?
- What does a productive day look like for me?
- Pick a guided visualisation recording to listen to today
- How can I practice gratitude throughout the day
- What things make me feel the most present?
Journal prompts for habit tracking
- What is a new habit I want to develop this month?
- How can I reward myself for sticking with a new habit?
- What habits can I stack together?
- What triggers me to go back to old habits?
- What habits have I stuck with consistently?
Journal prompts for mindset and motivation
- What is distracting me from my goals and is there anything I can do to remove this distraction?
- What is the one thing that motivates me to keep going?
- Write down a list of 3 positive affirmations and say them in the mirror
- Write down 3 reasons why I will not quit no matter how hard things get
Journal prompts for organisation
- What tools and resources can I use to help me stay organised?
- How can I declutter my working space so that I can increase my focus?
- How can I design my bullet journal weekly spread so that it is most effective?
Journal prompts for energy management
- How can I boost my energy levels?
- What energy-draining tasks can I remove from my routine?
- Where can I add a break to my schedule today?
- How can I make time for mindfulness?
Journal prompts for prioritisation
- What task would move the needle the most if I completed it today?
- What tasks are urgent and important?
- What tasks align with my core values the most?
Journal prompts for problem-solving
- What is a new idea I want to explore?
- What is one small step I can take towards a creative project?
- How can I think outside the box today?
- What is a problem that is still unsolved that I can tackle today?
Join the community of healing perfectionists
Feel free to join my weekly newsletter ‘The Sunday Reset’ to be the first to hear about exclusive offers, self-development tips and real-life examples of how I manage my own perfectionism.
Remember, you are the ONLY person you are going to be with for your whole entire life, so you might as well invest in yourself.
Investing in yourself can be in the form of coaching, courses, reading, journaling, practising self-care and many more things.
Book recommendations for increasing productivity
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- Getting Things Done by David Allen
- Deep Work by Cal Newport
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
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