91 Daily Positive Winter Affirmations To Survive The Winter Blues
Winter affirmations helped me reframe my mindset and achieve my personal goals WITHOUT falling into a depressive episode.
And no, despite what many people think (including my past self)… affirmations aren’t airy-fairy woo-woo practices. They ACTUALLY work but only if you use them correctly!
So I thought I’d share a list of affirmations I’ve used in the past or plan on using this winter.
You’re welcome!
Life is hard enough without the weather turning its back on us so the worst thing we can do is turn our backs on ourselves too.
As a Mindset and Productivity Coach for perfectionists, I’m ALWAYS reminding my clients that they aren’t superheroes. Sometimes the energy just isn’t there and instead of beating themselves up they should embrace self-compassion and work with what they have (aka energy management).
I have also included some tips to help you use them properly so that you can get the most out of them. There’s no point just saying words without having any meaning behind them, you need to know how to FEEL and BELIEVE the words you are saying.
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What are affirmations?
Affirmations are short and simple statements that you say to yourself to remind you of your worth and value as a person. I’ve found them to be really powerful in breaking negative thinking patterns I find myself stuck in (e.g. I’m not good enough, I can’t be bothered, It’s not going to work out).
They are almost always said in an empowering way and based on the principle of having a growth mindset.
They are also focused on the present moment.
For example, affirmations tend to start with ‘I am’ or ‘I can’ statements
Like “I am strong,” “I can handle this,” or “I am worthy.” When you speak to yourself as if you have already achieved the things you want, your brain starts to believe it.
It’s a simple but effective way to trigger a mindset shift quickly if you use them correctly.
What is the winter blues?
The winter blues (AKA Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)) is a type of seasonal depression that tends to get triggered during the colder months.
It’s a bit more complicated than just feeling tired or unmotivated.
According to the NHS, some common symptoms include:
- A low mood or low energy
- A loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities
- Irritability
- Feelings of despair, guilt, and worthlessness
- Feeling lethargic and sleepy during the day
- Sleeping for longer than usual and struggling to get up in the morning
- Difficulty concentrating
It’s something that I really struggle with in the UK because it is no secret that our winters are depressing. There is nothing to look forward to apart from even colder and even darker rainier days from October to February. It’s never-ending.
This is why I am ALWAYS looking for ways to break out of negative thought loops and actively think positively about my life and opportunities.
Why you NEED to use affirmations this winter
Affirmations should be added to your winter self-care routine or mental health tool kit because they will add more positive ‘can-do’ thoughts to your mindset.
You don’t have to let the negative thoughts win! Instead, you can CHOOSE to think differently.
I know, I know, I know…
It’s a lot easier said than done but it is genuinely worth the effort especially if you have big goals and still want to achieve them this winter.
They help reprogram your mind by shifting negative thought patterns to positive ones.
Studies even show that affirmations can boost self-esteem, build confidence, and improve your mental well-being.
31 December Affirmations for Christmassy Good Vibes
- I choose to enjoy the present moment
- I release the need for everything to be perfect this Christmas
- I am grateful for the small joys Christmas brings
- I am enough and I don’t need to do it all to prove my worth to ANYONE
- I can celebrate in a way that feels right for me
- I create my own traditions that align with my values
- I have the power to say no and protect my peace
- I find joy in the simple moments and memories and not material things
- I allow myself to rest and recharge over the holidays
- I embrace connection over perfection
- I can set boundaries with love and respect
- I am so proud of the progress I’ve made this year
- I trust that everything will unfold as it’s meant to
- I am calm and centred
- I am grateful for the people in my life who support and love me
- I welcome this time of year with an open heart and an open mind
- I let go of expectations that don’t serve me
- I make time for self-care ESPECIALLY when things get busy
- I don’t need to compare my Christmas to anyone else’s
- I create space for gratitude every day
- I am worthy of love and joy
- I trust myself to navigate any challenges that come my way
- I can give without losing myself
- I don’t need to be everything for everyone
- I am allowed to take a break
- I am grounded and present
- I choose peace over perfection
- I honour my boundaries and my needs
- I am kind to myself during this busy season
- I am enough, just as I am, right now
- I welcome the new year with hope and gratitude
31 January Affirmations for New Year Resolutions Resilience
- I am capable of achieving my goals
- I set realistic goals that align with my values
- I embrace progress over perfection
- I don’t need to have it all figured out today
- I trust the process
- I am resilient and can bounce back from setbacks
- I focus on what I can control and let go of the rest
- I am patient with myself as I work towards my goals
- I don’t need to rush because I am right where I need to be
- I celebrate every small win along the way
- I am enough. PERIODT
- I release the pressure to be perfect this year
- I choose goals that nourish me and not drain me
- I am motivated by my values, not by external expectations
- I trust that I am growing, even if I don’t see it yet
- I give myself permission to change my mind and adjust my goals
- I am capable of creating new habits that support my well-being
- I prioritise self-care alongside my goals
- I am allowed to take breaks and rest when I need it
- I stay focused on MY path and not other people’s
- I choose goals that make me feel alive, NOT overwhelmed
- I am worthy of success in all areas of my life
- I release the fear of failure and focus on learning
- I take action towards my goals with confidence and grace
- I trust that my efforts will pay off in time
- I am resilient and I bounce back stronger each time
- I allow myself to evolve and grow without judgment
- I don’t have to do it all at once
- I am more than my productivity
- I approach this year with a growth mindset
- I believe in my ability to make this year meaningful
29 Self-Compassion February Affirmations for Surviving Winter Blues
I struggle with seasonal affective disorder really badly in February so these affirmations help me get through the darker UK days.
- I allow myself to feel what I need to feel today
- I am gentle with myself during difficult times
- I give myself permission to rest and recover
- I don’t need to push through. I can slow down
- I accept that winter is tough, and that’s okay
- I am doing my best and that is enough
- I am worthy of kindness especially from myself
- I release the need to be constantly productive
- I embrace winter as a time to recharge and reflect
- I listen to my body and honour its needs
- I trust that this low-energy phase will pass
- I am kind to myself even when I’m not feeling my best
- I deserve care and compassion, no matter what
- I let go of harsh self-judgment
- I don’t need to force myself to be happy and I can honour my feelings
- I create space for moments of happiness and playfulness
- I am proud of myself for showing up even when it’s hard
- I am enough, just as I am
- I forgive myself for not having everything together
- I take it one day at a time
- I can find moments of peace
- I am allowed to take things slow this month
- I am patient with myself during this season of life
- I choose to nourish myself with love and care
- I don’t have to do it all right now — I can pace myself
- I am strong enough to get through this, one step at a time
- I am worthy of rest and renewal
- I trust that I will find my rhythm again
- I embrace myself with compassion
How to use these affirmations effectively
You need to make your affirmations work for you. There’s no point just reading out empty affirmations that don’t connect with your values. You’re just wasting your time.
Here are some things I recommend you do:
1. Find the best time
I personally love using affirmations in the morning because it helps me start the day with a positive mindset. However, if mornings aren’t your thing try finding times throughout the day to slot them in, for example, before meetings, at lunchtime, evenings or whenever you feel your negative thoughts taking over.
2. Visualisation
You need to FEEL them. Picture yourself as the person who lives out these beliefs. How do they show up in the world? What do they say to themselves? How does it feel to BE that version of you? Visualisation helps make the affirmations MORE than just words.
3. Be Open-Minded
It’s no secret that I thought affirmations were a bunch of crap when I first started my healing journey. However, I reached a point where I was desperate for change. I knew that my current way of living wasn’t working so I opened my mind and earnestly gave something new a go. And it paid off! So just give it a go. Start small and you might be surprised.
What else can help?
If you want to live your best life this winter and wholeheartedly continue working towards your goals without burning out you NEED to add other things to your self-care plan.
Morning Routine
I am a morning person who hates waking up in the morning, especially during the winter. So forcing myself to have a simple morning routine helps me recalibrate and feel grounded during the rest of the day. I recommend you start simple by waking up at the same time every day and build it up from there.
SAD Light Lamp
My SAD light and sunrise wake-up alarm have genuinely changed my life. I can’t really imagine a scenario where I go back to using a normal alarm. No more being woken up violently by a bleeping alarm clock! It just gently gets brighter over a long period of time so that I wake up in the morning naturally. It helps me get out of bed with more energy even when it’s pitch black outside.
Eat Healthy
I know it’s tempting to reach for comfort food when it’s dark and cold but eating more fruit and veg will help your energy levels so much. You don’t actually have to have slow sluggish moods and low energy during the winter months. You just need to limit binge eating on ultra-processed junk food. It’s definitely worth the sacrifice.
You need to MOVE your body in some capacity (or any capacity). In an ideal world, you’d keep a consistent gym routine where you do a mixture of strength training, cardio and stretching HOWEVER in the winter anything goes. I recommend you aim to at least go for a mindful walk every single day and try to do a few YouTube workouts a week. Especially on those days when you’re tempted to hibernate.
Trust me, you’ll feel so much better afterwards.
Learn Something New
Use this time of year to learn a new skill or try out a new hobby. For example, I’m learning to swim and doing a magazine journalism course. Last year I studied music theory and took street dancing lessons. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try? Life is for living so why not make winter time of the year when you step out of your comfort zone?
Try Not to Hibernate
I used to love hibernating in the winter and I justified it by saying I was an introvert. But deep down I knew I was just avoiding the world and choosing to slip further into my low mood. The truth is staying inside all day just makes you feel more disconnected and drained.
try to get some fresh air every single day. Meet up with friends, mindful walk or go on a solo self-care date.
You don’t have to be super social, but don’t let winter cut you off from the world.
So what affirmations are you going to use this winter?
Hopefully, you’ll be able to use these affirmations to get through the dark dreary days. Remember to focus on making them work for you. You don’t have to stick with the order or the exact wording of the affirmations.
As long as you really feel the words you’re saying and work on believing the meaning behind them, you’ll be fine.
You’ll get through this winter season!
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