15 Super Easy Ways To Protect Your Energy And Peace In Chaos
Life feels more chaotic nowadays which is why it’s more important than ever to protect your energy and peace so that you don’t lose your mind.
As a Mindset and Productivity Coach for perfectionists and a recovering perfectionist myself, I’ve seen how quickly poor energy management can tear apart your health, career and even relationships.
This is why I am passionate about coaching others on how to manage their energy effectively so that they can get things done without burning out or wasting their time on draining soul-destroying things.
I’m going to run through some of the reasons why life feels chaotic, signs you’re living in chaos and give you 15 things you can do to ground yourself while being productive.
Starting with mindfulness, removing yourself from toxic environments, accepting things you can’t change plus many more!
The problem with society and the reason you lack peace
We are constantly bombarded with information, opinions, advertising and communication from people daily. All trying to get our attention with click-baity and emotional headlines.
‘Attention is the new oil’ is a famous quote that Alex Hormozi (author of the $100 book series) keeps saying and I truly believe he is right about that.
There are also studies showing that Perfectionism is on the rise as we spend more hours comparing ourselves to idealised images from Instagrammers and lifestyle brands.
And I don’t know about you but I definitely feel exhausted by the expectation that I must be instantly accessible because I simply have a mobile phone. Forget living in the real world, I must be replying to text messages within a reasonable hour otherwise I’m a social pariah.
It is so draining trying to keep up!
No other generation of people in the history of the world has EVER experienced the sheer number of data we consume on a daily basis.
This is why we MUST take intentional steps to protect our energy and peace so that we can live the best life we can with the resources we have.
Signs you are living in chaos
- You constantly feel burnt out and anxious
- You feel like you’re constantly putting out fires in your life
- You feel shut down and on autopilot
- You always feel like you’re in survival mode
- Your house is a mess and you never have time to clean or tidy
- Your relationships with others are always strained no matter the situation
- You don’t keep your promises
- You’re always late or you forget plans
15 realistic things you can do to find peace and recharge your energy
1. Practice mindfulness and yoga
Developing a regular mindfulness practice is one of the best things you can do for your wellbeing and protecting your peace. Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment and not letting your thoughts worry about the future or the past.
There are many ways to practise mindfulness:
- Mindfulness meditation is the most common way to practise mindfulness. It is all about connecting with your breath and being an objective observer of your thoughts
- Mindful walking is one of my favourite activities when it comes to grounding myself. Go for a short walk around your neighbourhood and focus on your steps, surroundings and senses
- Mindful eating is a great substitute for watching YouTube while you’re eating. Put your phone down and actually focus on the food you are eating, notice the flavours, textures and how the food makes you feel
- Body scans are a great way to acknowledge and release stress. Find a quiet place to lie down and focus on each body part starting head to toe (or vice versa). Acknowledge any areas of tension or stress and send energy to that area to release it.
- Mindful Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind-body connection and release pent-up negative energy. When I developed a daily yoga practice I was able to let go of stored feelings in my body and became a much more grounded person
2. Identify your triggers
Identifying your energy givers and energy takers is an important step when it comes to protecting your peace. You need to know what is helping you or hindering you so that you can put the necessary boundaries in place.
I recommend you use an energy journal/tracker to help you identify the activities or interactions that boost your energy. Over time you will begin to notice patterns and learn how to structure your day with more energy-boosting activities and limit energy-draining activities.
For example, I kept an energy tracker in my bullet journal and it helped me realise that social media for my business was draining me more than it was benefiting me. I had to make the difficult but essential decision to step back from social media marketing and find other ways to grow my business. I have no regrets because I feel much more grounded and level-headed.
3. Set boundaries
Learning how to say ‘No’ is one of the most important things you need to do when it comes to protecting your energy circle.
However, I know boundaries tend to be difficult for perfectionists because we tend to overextend ourselves and overcommit so that we don’t let other people down.
But that behaviour needs to stop.
Boundaries keep you safe AND they keep other people safe too.
Here are some signs you need to set a boundary:
- Guilt or shame about a task or person
- Neglecting your needs and self-care
- Feeling unheard or unseen
- Irritability and frustration
I HIGHLY recommend you read the book ‘Nonviolent Communication’ by Marshall B Rosenberg to find out how to set clear, empathetic and respectful boundaries with others so that you don’t burn bridges and add more chaos to your life.
4. Brain dump
It’s time to declutter your mind! Write down every single thing that is buzzing around in your mind, no matter how big or small they are.
- You can use bullet points or create a mindmap or you can even type them in Google Sheets/docs.
- Include things such as tasks, worries, thoughts, people, dreams, hobbies, goals, values, work etc…
- Remember there is no right or wrong way of doing it when it comes to creating a brain dump
- Keep writing until you feel like you have nothing more to add. You’ll start to feel a sense of relief because now everything is on paper/screen
- Review your notes: highlight the ones that are most important to you and ask yourself why. You’ll start to have a clearer idea of the things you need to focus on and the things you need to let go of
- Review your brain dump weekly to see if there are any recurring themes and if there are points that are no longer relevant.
5. Remove yourself from the toxic environment
Sometimes life is genuinely a bit crap and you’re left with no other choice but to remove yourself from a toxic energy-draining environment.
A few years ago, I was living in a houseshare that wasn’t the greatest. I remember calling my grandma for advice because I could see how soul-destroying my life had become and I wanted to know if I should take the risk and move out.
She basically told me that I only have one life and that I should do the best I can to protect the energy I have even if it means moving out to somewhere a bit more expensive. My energy is my most valuable resource.
I ended up taking her advice and it was the BEST DECISION I have ever made in my life. It was hard to save but it was worth it because I was able to find myself and grow into the person I am today.
Here are some steps you can take to start the removal process:
- Identify the toxic elements of your environment e.g. people, places, situations and activities
- Create a pros and cons list to assess the impact of removing yourself from the situation. For example, the cost, conversations and contracts you may need to resolve
- Plan your exit: decide how you are going to remove yourself from the situation in a way that continues to protect your peace. Creating a step-by-step plan is a good way to ease any anxiety that you may be feeling
- Get support: reach out to supportive friends and family to help you during this process. You may also need to speak to a therapist or coach for further support and advice
- Create a positive environment in your new place: if you’ve moved house then you might want to put up sentimental photos on the wall or buy yourself some flowers. If you’re in a new job you might want to invest time in getting to know your new co-workers
6. Visualise your happy place
Visualisation exercises are a great way to develop inner peace and protect your energy when it feels like things are out of control.
There are a few ways to do a visualisation exercise
- Using your imagination on the spot. For example, close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel completely at ease. Think about each of the 5 senses and the feelings you want to feel
- Create your own guided visualisation. Record yourself describing your ideal day/life going into detail about your feelings and senses. Then when you’re feeling stressed, you can listen to it back while closing your eyes and visualising the scenes.
- Listen to a premade guided visualisation: You can go to YouTube or purchase guided visualisations from trained professionals. For example, as a life coach trained in hypnotherapy, I create personalised guided visualisations for my clients.
7. Declutter your room
There is a reason why the saying ‘tidy home, tidy mind is so popular. It is hard to feel at peace when your physical environment is filled with clutter and mess.
A disorganised home is a constant reminder of your never-ending to-do list. It’s hard to want to take part in self-care or hobbies because you’ll constantly feel guilty about not finishing your chores.
The best way to find peace is to declutter and let go:
- Spend 15 minutes every day tidying a small section of your room
- Donate or recycle any items that you no longer need. I recommend you use Marie Kondo’s KonMari technique
- Organise things in a way that makes sense for you and makes you feel calm. For example, I don’t like having dark colours in my bedroom because it makes the room feel smaller so I have lots of whites, light greys, and baby pinks everywhere.
8. Limit sugar and ultra-processed foods
Sugar, coffee and junk food might make you feel energised at first but the CRASH you will feel after a few hours is just not worth it.
I used to have a really bad diet however, one year I decided to give up junk food and ultra-processed foods for lent. When I tell you, the difference in my energy levels was night and day!
I didn’t realise how energy-draining my diet was until I made the change. I’m not a dietitian so I’m not going to recommend anything too crazy, however, I do recommend you conduct mini experiments in your diet to see what works for you.
For example, keep a food and energy journal
- Week 1: don’t change anything in your diet but note how you feel throughout the week
- Week 2: cut one thing out of your diet and keep track of the changes over the next 2 weeks
- Week 4: cut another thing out of your diet and keep track of your changes in mood, energy and wellbeing
- Repeat the process as many times as you need.
- Pick 1 week where you go back to your old diet and document the changes e.g. feeling lethargic, having less energy etc…This final step always motivates me to continue with my healthy eating because I can actually feel the negative impact that my poor diet has on my body
9. Prioritise sleep
Rest and recharging are so important to overall energy management.
You can do guided visualisations, change your diet and do yoga for hours on end but if you don’t get enough sleep then all that work is in vain.
Sleep is a MUST!
Try to establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it even on the weekends! Your body doesn’t know the difference between weekdays and weekends so disrupting your sleep pattern for even 2 days a week can mess up your energy levels.
Make an effort to create a bedtime routine that is REALISTIC for you and your circumstances. There’s no point saying you’re going to read 2 chapters of a book each night if you know you haven’t finished a single book in a year!
Start small. Try these simple nighttime activities:
- Write 1 sentence in your journal – either a highlight, gratitude log or random thought
- Read 1 page of a book
- Listen to an audiobook short story designed for sleep
- Leave your phone at your desk away from your bed
- Wind down 1.5 hours before bedtime
10. Practise regular self-care
You need to prioritise self-care and it shouldn’t be an activity that is only reserved for special occasions. You need to EMBED it into your life.
Your body and mind are vessels for your energy so it is important for you to look after yourself and protect the energy you have stored inside of you.
Showing love, compassion and gratitude to your body by having an Epsom Salt bubble bath, massage or mindful walk is a great way to protect your energy.
Make an effort to schedule some ‘me time’ and set clear boundaries to enforce them.
11. Let things go
So much of our negative energy is stored up from things we no longer have control over. For example, hating an ex or regretting past decisions.
Sometimes the most powerful way to release negative energy is to forgive and move on. Trust me, I know how impossible it feels to let things go when you feel wronged but it is so worth it in the long run.
Here are some things you can do to let go and release negative energy:
- Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself for things you did in the past
- Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has wronged you (you can burn it or file it away)
- Use affirmations to help you let go of thoughts when they cross your mind
- Practice mindfulness meditation
- Pray to God and ask Him to heal your heart
12. Go on a digital detox
I highly recommend you go on a digital detox at least every 6 months for your own mental wellbeing.
As I mentioned earlier, we are constantly bombarded with digital information and it is an attack on our internal peace and energy.
Going on a digital detox enables you to take control of the things you consume and be more intentional.
Here are some things you can do:
- Complete a digital audit – check your phone screen time and evaluate how you use all of your technology
- Decide on the type of devices and websites you are going to have a break from
- Put app limits on your phone
- Have phone-free hours/days e.g. no technology after 8 pm on weekdays
- Delete non-essential apps
- Consider making your phone a dumb phone (e.g. blocking apps, black and white settings etc…)
13. Create, not consume
Make it your life’s mission to create more than you consume. Expressing yourself through creative means is such a healing and protective experience.
There is a reason why art therapy is so popular.
Too many people waste their lives away by just consuming without ever giving anything back to the world. All that negative energy is stored in your body and mind without an outlet which is why it’s important to find ways to release it.
When I started my healing journey, I focused on channelling my pent-up energy healthily which caused me to stumble across mindful drawing, poetry and painting.
I am not an artist by any means, but the experience allowed me to gain more perspective in life and appreciate everything good and bad.
Because let’s be real, energy is a powerful resource for expressive art – ask any heartbroken singer or painter.
Here are some creative things you can do
- Dedicate a small amount of time each week to a creative outlet
- Join a creative community or class
- Try an adult colouring book
- Learn how to play the keyboard
- Grab a starter paint kit from the stationery store
- Learn how to draw by following Draw A Box tutorials
14. Accept the things you can’t change
Acceptance is key when it comes to protecting your energy and maintaining your peace. Life is life and there will always be things we can’t change.
- Take some time to practise daily gratitude by listing 3 things you are thankful for
- Reflect on some of your past challenges and remember how you overcame them
- Stop complaining and gossiping about other people and try to understand their viewpoint
- Try to develop a growth mindset especially when challenges get in the way
- Use the serenity prayer when you need strength to continue: ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference’.
15. Change the things you can’t accept
Now, there are some things in your life that you CAN change and probably should change.
If something is disturbing your peace and you have the ability to change them then I think you should give it a go.
- Identify the areas in your life that need improvement and are holding you back
- Check-in with your values and evaluate whether you are in alignment with them
- Set SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Empowering, Reflective) goals for the things you want to change
- Start small and start scrappy. Don’t wait for things to be perfect, just give it a go and regularly reflect on your progress. Even a 1% improvement is a step in the right direction
Why you NEED to protect your energy and peace
There are mental, physical, emotional and spiritual reasons why you should protect your energy and peace from the chaos that is happening in the world:
- You won’t feel so overwhelmed: feeling overwhelmed all the time can lead to mental overload and cognitive fatigue (aka feeling brain-fried). You’ll find yourself making silly mistakes, struggling to stay focused and taking longer to complete tasks.
- You’ll feel less anxious: constantly consuming information creates a low-level buzz of anxiety that runs throughout your whole day. It’s only when you limit your exposure to energy-draining tasks you realise how much anxiety you’ve been carrying around
- Your focus will improve: you will be able to concentrate on the things that really matter and increase your productivity in the process
- No more decision fatigue! Having to constantly sift through information and make decisions in chaos is mentally exhausting. When you protect your peace and energy you’ll be able to make better more thought-out decisions that align with your values
- Reducing your stress levels: you will be less likely to experience physical symptoms related to repeated exposure to chaos and high-stress environments such as headaches, chest pains and high blood pressure
- Your immune system will thank you: lower stress, more peace and good vibes (kinda half-joking) will promote a stronger immune system.
- You will sleep better: I can speak on this from experience! When you put boundaries in place and take steps to protect your peace you will be able to sleep like a baby. No more racing thoughts just peaceful beautiful restful sleep
- You’ll have more energy to actually do things! Instead of crashing in your chair each evening feeling sorry for yourself, you’ll have the energy to pursue your hobbies, and interests, spend time with friends or crash your chair WITHOUT feeling guilty.
- You’ll avoid compassion fatigue: we are constantly bombarded with strangers word-vomiting their trauma out on the internet and news channels broadcasting 24-hour segments on suffering. Protecting your peace means you’ll be able to show compassion without getting burnt out or immune to it.
- Your emotional regulation will improve: when you are in a peaceful mindset you’ll be able to process your emotions more effectively without resorting to mood swings or emotional outbursts.
- You’ll become more resilient: you will be able to create coping strategies that maintain your peace and reserve your energy during stressful times
- Your relationships will feel more fulfilling: you will realise how important your relationships are with other people and not take them for granted. For example, you’re more likely to deal with arguments in an empathetic way rather than escalate them.
- You will start to glow: your aura and energy will feel lighter and more welcoming to others. People may even notice a change in you and want to spend more time around you. For example, when I first started practising energy management/protection, I had strangers stop me in the street to tell me that I was glowing even when I was wearing no makeup and baggy joggers!
- You’ll build a deeper connection with yourself: you will feel more in tune with your purpose, values and higher self. You will feel like you have a better understanding of your place in the world and feel confident in yourself no matter what is going on around you
- You’ll be more present and in the moment: you will start to appreciate the small things in life and learn to let go of things that no longer serve you.
- You may find comfort in religion or spiritual practices: many people reconnect with religious traditions and spiritual practices when they find inner peace because they realise that all things are energy.
Journal prompts for protecting your peace and energy
I love journaling and I am always using journal prompts to help me identify my energy givers and energy takers so that I can live a much more sustainable peaceful life.
Use these journal prompts to help you on your journey:
- What boundaries do I need to set today to make me feel safe?
- What 3 self-care activities can I do this week to nurture my soul?
- What am I most grateful for today?
- What activity in my routine drains my energy the most and how can I limit it?
- Who uplifts my mood and how can I spend more time around them this week?
- When do I feel most at peace in my daily routine?
- How can I carve out more time for mindfulness?
- What critical thought am I going to let go of today?
- What do I need to forgive myself for this week?
Affirmations for energy protection
I used to think affirmations were cheesy and a waste of time, however, one day I decided to learn more about the science behind affirmations and my whole life changed from that moment.
Don’t get me wrong, affirmations can be pointless if you just stand in the mirror saying things you don’t believe. However, if you use affirmations strategically as part of your self-care routine and combine repetition, emotion and visualisation you’ll be surprised at how quickly they begin to work in your life.
Use these affirmations to help you on your healing journey:
- I love myself enough to prioritise my peace and protect my energy
- I set strong and firm boundaries with people who drain my energy
- I attract positive, uplifting and fun energy into my life
- I release everything that no longer serves me
- I am surrounded by people who support and motivate me
- I am calm, centred and grounded
- I can overcome any challenge that comes my way
- I am a kind, caring and compassionate soul
- God loves me and protects me from bad energy
Grounding quotes for a calmer less chaotic life
I like to write quotes down in my bullet journal, and values vision board, or sometimes I’m really extra and make them my phone screensaver so that I can have a daily reminder.
Here are some of my favourite quotes when it comes to protecting my peace and energy:
- “Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” – Deepak Chopra
- “Nothing can disturb your peace of mind unless you allow it to.” – Roy T. Bennett
- “Protecting your peace includes denying access to people who bring negative energy into your life.” – Unknown
- “Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.” – Dalai Lama
- “If you want peace, stop fighting. If you want peace of mind, stop fighting with your thoughts.” – Peter McWilliams
- “I believe everything is energy. I believe that the meal you serve yourself, you prepare, is energy. And if you serve it to your family, it’s your gift of energy to them.” – Maya Angelou
Join the community of healing and recovering perfectionists
If you would like to receive productivity and self-development tips designed specifically for perfectionists PLUS exclusive coaching offers join my weekly newsletter ‘The Sunday Reset’.
Remember, you are the ONLY person you are going to be with for your whole entire life, so you might as well invest in yourself.
Investing in yourself can be in the form of coaching, courses, reading, journaling, practising self-care and many more things.
Related Posts:
- How To Identify Energy Givers and Energy Takers
- 5 energy management techniques to elevate your life
- How To Have A Guilt-Free Self-Care Day
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- 117 Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Living Your Best Life
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- How To Be Anti-Hustle Culture And Productive – 8 Simple Steps
- How To Stop Social Media Draining Your Energy
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